Building Dreams with Code and Curiosity: Divij’s Path to STEM Education

Building Dreams with Code and Curiosity Divij’s Path to STEM Education

“The mind that opens to a new idea will never return to its original size” – Albert Einstein.

Introduction: The Spark of Curiosity In STEM Education

Scientists such as Albert Einstein and Pierre Maupertuis have always motivated me to hone my passion for science. Since my childhood, I have always extended my reach and worked hard to exceed others’ expectations. Let me take you through my journey where I discovered my passion for STEM: Science, which helps humans uncover the reality of nature;  Technology, innovating far beyond humanity itself can reach; Engineering, applying science to build our future; and Mathematics, the backbone of our universe. Along the way, I’ve worked diligently to develop key STEM skills that have shaped my understanding and growth within the STEM field.

Early Signs of Curiosity In STEM Field

Early Signs of Curiosity

It was a reminiscing moment for me to remember how I started on my journey of curiosity and exploration. Even though I engaged in a lot of art and dance performances, I always took solace in problem-solving, especially exploring complex mathematical topics. This delved into an appreciation of calculus, studying it as a seventh-grade student during the coronavirus pandemic, and a sort of boredom with the current textbooks. My growing interest in mathematics fueled my desire to enhance my STEM skills, leading me to explore various STEM fields through self-study and further STEM education.

Still, my fascination with Abacus at a young age never died down, as it improved my calculative skills more than just memorizing ‘multiplication tables.’ A game which intrigued me (and still does) would most definitely be the 15 Science Experiments Game that my mother gifted to me for my tenth birthday. Using potatoes to generate electricity and making artificial ice were one of my most favorite experiments to do.

Read Also: The Inspiring Journey of Divij’s Childhood and School Days

I am amazed by how far I have reached, now doing titrations to predict the molarity of Oxalic Acid solution. That was just one of the ‘sparks’ which ignited my flame of STEM curiosity. The rest came from the fascination of movies such as Mangalyaan and visiting the rail museum in Delhi. The historical development from the Steam Engine to electromotors captured my attention and deepened my understanding of STEM fields.

My mother’s keen eye for detail passed onto me, as I used my observations and imagination to think how Space Shuttles can be designed with Steam for high efficiency. Of course, that might sound absurd now, but that is how the space shuttles were actually launched due to the temperature difference between the Combustion chamber and the Coolant Water that was poured around the shuttle seconds before launch. Leaving maths aside, Science did not feel that interesting to learn as it presented little to no challenge in the beginning.

I always had to go beyond my “Environment Sciences” textbook until my mother wanted to enhance my passion further through stem education. She was my best teacher, and didn’t stop encouraging me in my mission to become an astronaut. She initiated discussions about stars, and space research and nurtured my curiosity in the stem subjects helping me develop the STEM skills I needed to pursue my dreams..

School Experiences: The First Exposure to STEM Subjects

Early lessons in STEM education were difficult to grasp, which I later discovered was due to the lack of depth in them. If mathematics tells me not to divide by zero, what is the inherent reason? Firstly, this was just given as an intuitive thing to know. Later, logical reasoning in real life applied to this case, ironically, was introduced at the same time as like and unlike fractions, which do not have a direct impact on our development.

Now, I understand it as a concept of limits through graph theory, and know about the countless other things that will prove division by zero is impossible. Again, after learning that a whole book had been written about proving conjectures such as “1+1=2” (Principia Mathematica), I, too, wanted to explore the iceberg of STEM subjects itself. From performing an experiment to burn Magnesium Oxide to produce a dazzling white flame to conducting electricity through salty water, I was inspired by these experiments to use scientific theory in real life and build my stem skills.

Some of my most treasured memories from school involve the incredible teachers who shaped my understanding and love for STEM subjects. In particular, my Maths teacher in high school, Mr. Srikanth, made even the toughest concepts feel approachable. He had a passion for numbers himself and would turn each class into a lively puzzle-solving session. My critical and logical thinking capabilities exceeded heights while being taught by him enhancing my STEM skills and further fueling my love for STEM subjects.. 

Outside the Classroom: Hands-On Learning and STEM Education Exploration

My curiosity didn’t stop when I left school each day. At home, I enjoyed playing with technology and working on personal projects that allowed me to experiment freely, further developing my STEM skills.. One of my first projects was learning how to code a basic calculator in Python. It felt like a massive accomplishment at the time and spurred me to take on more ambitious projects. I attempted building a simple robot using a DIY robotics kit, working for hours on wiring and programming it to perform basic movements. These hands-on projects allowed me to apply concepts of stem subjects that I learned in class, making learning not only fun but practical. Each experiment taught me valuable lessons and deepened my understanding of real-world applications of STEM skills. Documentaries like Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey ignited my curiosity about the universe and the scientific principles that govern it, further inspiring my passion for exploring STEM subjects.

Outside the Classroom Hands-On Learning and Exploration

Online platforms, such as Coursera, provided me with access to courses in programming, physics, and mathematics, allowing me to delve deeper into stem subjects. Notably, I completed the Full Stack Development Professional Certificate by IBM, which qualified me in various fields such as Front-End programming, Back-End Programming, and Microservices. This experience allowed me to build a strong foundation and practical expertise in several aspects of the STEM field.

Pivotal Moments in My STEM Education Journey

Key Milestones and Breakthrough Moments

One of the most defining moments in my STEM education journey came when I won my first inter-house mathematics competition in school. I had poured countless hours into practicing problems honing my STEM skills, so hearing my name announced as the winner felt exhilarating. It was a small contest, but the recognition was a big deal for me. Soon, I would win many academic inter-house competitions, which only set the stage for the countless olympiads I would participate in further developing my expertise in STEM subjects. The first major success that truly cemented my love for STEM came during a science exhibition at the school’s Founders Day, where I presented a project on renewable energy and green building. My project involved a small-scale model of a self-sustaining green building that could generate enough electricity to light several small LEDs. After explaining the concept and demonstrating the model, I received enthusiastic feedback from both judges and attendees, further fueling my passion for STEM education and innovation..

It was incredibly fulfilling to see people engaged with my work and interested in my explanation of renewable energy’s potential. I experienced immense collaboration from my teacher and my friends in making this project a success.

The Role of Mentorship in STEM Education

I found inspiration in well-known figures like Dr. Richard Ebright, who had a similar background story to me, and I found familiarity in his passion to positively impact the world. His stories and achievements, studying as a tenth grader, became reminders of what’s possible in STEM education with hard work and a clear vision. I have been fortunate to benefit from mentors who guided me through important milestones, helping me develop essential STEM skills. One of these opportunities came during an internship at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, where I worked alongside researchers and scientists. The experience allowed me to engage in real-world research and exposed me to practical applications of STEM subjects in understanding environmental issues.

Reflection: What STEM Education Means to Divij

STEM Education

My mother has been my greatest supporter. She encouraged me to follow my interests in STEM education even when the path seemed challenging. Similarly, my friends have been there through late-night study sessions and long hours spent on projects, helping me develop crucial STEM skills. Their encouragement during tough moments has kept me going, reminding me of the joy and purpose behind my pursuit of STEM. One pivotal moment when I truly realized the societal impact of STEM education was during my work on a renewable energy project for a science fair. Researching the potential of alternative energy sources to combat climate change was eye-opening—it highlighted the powerful role STEM subjects plays in addressing global issues.

I understood then that STEM education is more than equations and experiments; it’s a means of solving the most pressing problems facing humanity. This realization reinforced my commitment to pursuing STEM with a purpose beyond personal success.

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