Hey! I’m Gupta, Divij Gupta. Now, I might not be a world-class detective like James Bond, but I consider myself something entirely better! Have you ever met an individual who is a geek for information, tackling the pebble of Newton’s ocean? I’m an avid listener and speaker who can surely persuade anyone about anything.
Additionally, I am a brilliant academic and a fun friend to be around. What if you could meet a person with all of these traits? Of course, no one individual embodies them all. However, you are meeting me—a person striving to become that dreamy individual anyway. I am a hardworking individual who completes ten hours’ worth of work in five and can accomplish the work of a team of five in just one. I was born in a country that builds rockets on a budget that rivals movie productions. Whether you love me or hate me, I will never stop building on my vision for the future. That’s me! Throughout this blog, I will take you through my early days, allowing you to experience how my childhood shaped my aspirations and ambitions.
Early Childhood Adventures: Discovering the World
From the moment I took my first steps, I started to play in this playground, which was filled with mysteries waiting to be uncovered. My inquisitive nature led me on countless adventures as I questioned everything around me—from observing different colours to wondering about the troubles of flying to the stars. Colloquial rhymes such as “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” made me dream about whether the stars were truly “diamonds in the sky” and if I could reach them in any way possible. Born into a Hindu family, I loved bursting crackers and launching small rockets with my friends and neighbors while celebrating Diwali. However, the most treasured time of the year was not Diwali. Instead, it was the visits to my maternal grandparents’ house which occurred more frequently—more than three times a week. Whether it was playing shooting games, experimenting with cooking, or expressing my love for gardening, everything was better with my maternal grandparents by my side. My maternal uncle not only ignited my interest in gaming but also sparked my curiosity in various STEM subjects by discussing the latest discoveries and inventions with me. This also fueled my passion for reading, not only fiction but also general knowledge about scientific matters. In addition to being a book collector, I found joy in the thrill of collecting bottle caps, specifically those with different geometrical shapes.
School Life Begins: The First Day of School

Now came an important stage of my life, when I first started school. I couldn’t help but wonder if I would fit in, if I would make friends, and whether my teachers would be kind. Fortunately, I didn’t encounter any significant difficulties adapting to school life; adapting to change became easier as time went on. In fact, I loved having a platform where I could express all my curiosity, talent, and hard work. Yet, school life wasn’t without its challenges. The initial adjustment to structured routines felt overwhelming at times. There were moments of doubt, especially when I stumbled over painting a rose or didn’t engage enough in classroom discussions. However, with the support of my friends and the guidance of my teachers, I learned to face these challenges head-on, and now I am the one leading all discussions! I remember the day I nervously raised my hand to ask for help; my teacher smiled and offered his assistance. These experiences taught me resilience, adaptability, and the importance of seeking support when needed.
Fun and Mischief: Adventures During School Days
The annual functions and celebrations at school were highlights of the academic year. Sports Day was a whirlwind of excitement. I remember sprinting down the track with a spoon in my mouth, my heart pounding as I tried to stabilise the lemon on the spoon. My enthusiasm was further fueled by the encouragement of my friends and teachers, along with the immense competition I faced. Additionally, the school’s one-act play stood out as a cherished event, allowing me to showcase my self-proclaimed acting skills. I participated in and led a group dance performance that, despite our countless rehearsals, ended in hilarious moments of miscoordination. Nevertheless, the laughter and applause from our peers made it all worthwhile. My participation in many art competitions also led me to achieve numerous awards and accomplishments, although they never really came up later in life. That is something I miss a lot about my childhood.

Life Lessons and Personal Growth

One of my most notable failures was not being able to memorise a recital I had to perform on stage. Although I had ample time to prepare, I was overconfident, assuming I’d be able to finalise it in time. My lethargic approach led me to stumble through my last practice, and I ultimately decided to take a sick leave on the final day. While this didn’t really tarnish my reputation at school, it served as an eye-opener, highlighting the need for disciplined preparation. This small setback taught me the importance of time management and early preparation, as well as the value of maintaining confidence even when things don’t go as planned. I also participated in numerous school olympiads, where I secured gold medals and national rankings in cultural, general knowledge, science, and mathematics categories. I was frequently chosen as a class monitor and appointed the leader in various group and inter-class discussions. This responsibility continued through my middle and high school years, building my confidence and leadership skills along the way.
Friendships and Memories to Cherish
Talking about friendships, It was always difficult for me to choose a single “best” friend among my peers. Since I didn’t limit myself to just one close friendship, I learned a lot about judging friendships and maintaining balance within my friend group. Whether trekking the Brahmatal Peak or attending Model United Nations’ conferences across India, I have shared fun and heartwarming moments with all my friends. Living in a residential school for nine years has taught me countless emotional lessons: empathy for others, forgiveness, and loyalty to those who are loyal to you.

Reflection: How These Experiences Shaped Divij’s Life
Looking back, each experience has shaped me into who I am today. From my early days of curiosity and questioning, I learned to never settle for surface-level answers. To my readers, I encourage you to reflect on your own childhood adventures. The smallest moments can have the deepest impact on who we become. Embrace those memories, for they are part of the unique journey that has shaped you. After all, it is in our past that we often find the truest glimpses of our future selves.